In spite of the SDG’s call to ‘Leave No One Behind’, many women and girls face significant barriers in accessing SRHR information and services and their rights continue to be overlooked. Data is not always disaggregated and is often scattered. As a result, advocacy and programming initiatives end up excluding some of the most vulnerable populations.
The barriers faced by these populations in accessing information and services often have a common origin: discrimination based on age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, refugee status and their intersection.
Starting from this common ground, the panel will:
1) present emerging research data which represent meaningful evidence to advocate for more inclusive policies
2) share experiences on advocacy and programming
3) discuss how barriers can be addressed and overcome
Plan Canada, the Overseas Development Insitute and Humanity & Inclusion are proud to invite you to this Women Deliver 2019 satellite event and discussion. #WeDeliver2019 #LeadOnCanada
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